(March is Small Press Month - All titles are $10)


. . . the purpose of abstraction in any field - art, science, mathematics - is, out of incredible richness and complexity and detail of reality, 'to separate,' 'to select from' the complexity of reality that which you want to emphasize . . . (Robert Motherwell, “On the Humanism of Abstraction”)

The Motherwell Sonnets considers what this kind of abstraction can mean within a poem - taking inspiration from Robert Motherwell's writings and artwork - looking at the world with a related sense of monument and ephemera, improvisation and pose.

Incisive lyrical notes accompany the fourteen experimental sonnets in the manner of Spicer's Homage to Creeley, Rodefer's Villon, and other works.

Author: Zach Savich
Booklet, 22 pp, 7 x 5.25 in
Language: English
ISBN: 979-8-9885108-0-2
Published: June 27, 2023

