Reflections on Foolishness
Reflections on Foolishness
(March is Small Press Month - All titles are $10)

Iurodstvo means “holy foolishness” - the prophetic tradition of acting and speaking in shocking and unorthodox ways in order to communicate spiritual truths.
Ken Feit (1940–1981) was a Chicago-born poet, performer, and self-proclaimed “itinerant fool.” Relatively unknown, Feit’s writings show him to be one of the most thoughtful practitioners of western iurodstvo.
Collected here is a selection of Feit’s reflections on the role of holy foolishness regarding justice, compassion, and identity.
Author: Ken Feit
Editor: Anthony Opal
Booklet, 24 pp, 7 x 5.25 in
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-7356630-9-8
Published: December 10, 2020
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